On the Web: Ulaanbaatar Subway
Not many people know about it and especially pictures are rare. But there is one enthusiast who has dedicated a web site to the Ulaanbaatar Metro, or Metroo as it is called. Here is a picture of the Zuun Urt station that is featured on the website, but also a subway map is digitally available. The guestbook is another feature on the site, with some interesting comments from both believers and non-believers.
!! - For those not so aware of the public transport situation in Mongolia - there is reason to doubt the actual existence of the subway.
The website on the purely fictional UB subway is made by Yumzhagiin Oodarghal and as can be seen in the guestbook many people found it realistic enough to believe it, while others took amusement in continuing the joke - !!
Great blog!
You've allowed me to 'see' Mongolia with your blog. Thank you.
I've taken the liberty to link your blog to mine for frequent re-visiting.
Keep it up and take care!
LOL! I haven't lived in mongolia for several years, but I still took a double-take at that one.
There is no subway in UB -- none. My wife is Mongolian and so are all her friends. I think she would have mentioned it when we moved here (to the US) and started riding the underground metro train out here -- or one of her other Mongolian friends in the area since we live in Arlington, Va -- with about the largest Mongolian community in the US.
Good put-on, though... Maybe you'll actually fool some people into believing it.
I think many people don't like the subway because it scratches the earth. Maybe that's the reason why so few know of it.
Anyway, my mongolian girlfriend almost got into doubts when I first showed her the website. Too bad the pictures aren't of very good quality. You still have to give credits for the site for being much more authentic than a lot of real websites about Mongolia.
There isn`t any subway in Ulaanbaatar !
Nevertheless, due to teh unsufficient transport situation the aimag capital of Mandalgobi has recently put one in operation, with 120 km Schienenstrecke and some eight different Linien.
Sorry, for my my English, I am lacking in my word power.
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