Political Parties

Ran into a list of (no doubt a selection of) the Political Parties of Mongolia. This is what you call a multiple-party system. The most striking entry is probably the Ethnographical Party, whatever that may be. To be clear, the communist party that is listed here is not the party that reigned the country for seventy years as a communist party, because that is the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party (MPRP), which are now Social Democrats and member of Socialist International, unlike the Democratic Socialist Party or the New Social Democratic Party. Of course.
No need to point at the frequent use of the country's name in the party listings.
Overview of Mongolian Political Parties
Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party
Democratic Party
Mongolian Green Party
Mongolian People's Party
Mongolian Republican Party
Mongolian Workers' Party
Mongolian Traditional United Party
Mongolian Solidarity Party
Mongolian Party for Tradition and Justice
Mongolian Democratic Socialist Party
Mongolian Youth Party
Mongolian Liberal Democratic Party
Mongolian Democratic New Socialist Party
Mongolian Communist Party
Mongolian Local Development Party
Mongolian Civil Democratic New Liberal Party
Mongolian Civil Courage Party
Mongolian New Social Democratic Party
Mongolian United Ethnographical Party
Is there a reason that Irgenii zorig nam(?) is so far down the list?
i just copied the list from ww.state.gov and kept their order.
Is it the Zorig party or the Green party to which Oyun (Zorig's sister) is a member?
And could someone explain to me which parties are part of the Democratic Coalition that currently controls half the seats in the Khural?
I suppose Oyun's party is the "Mongolian Civil Courage Party", although normally it is translated as Civil Will Party
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