Mongolia's Genghis Khan Craze #1153: Shall we build a Statue?

Plans were announced to build a 40-metre high statue on Tsonjin Boldog hill, 53km outside(to put things in perspective, the dots on the white part are actually people)
Ulaanbaatar. The steel statue of Chinggis Khaan, holding a golden whip, is to be financed by the Genco Tour Bureau.
technorati: mongolia
Labels: chinggis khaan, mongolia
It's even more ugly than I expected from the UBPost article.
Indeed very ugly. It looks like the "Chingis Khaanized" version of "Sukhbaatar statue", at least Sukhbaatar statue had some kind of post-commi era originality in it and I used to appreciate it a lot when I was a kid. These stupid half-commi Government or other people who's in charge of these kind of stupidity should be buried in the ground alive like they show it in Manduhai Setsen Hatan movie.
Just another easy way of making quick buck of government officials using Chingis Khaan name, and they will use shit ass cements, and everything shit-ass and after a year (if lucky) the statue will fall apart or parts of the statue will fall apart. When would these people ever stop this kind of nonsense.Seems like never. Instead they should renovate the museums and Bogd Khaan Palace. Last time I checked the museums and the Palace looked as if it was built in Stone Age or something
What a waste of money, instead they could plant trees, that would be much nicer than a humongous statue of an old man sitting on a very stiff horse.
You are right, We do not need to recognize those pessimistic people.
We have to be and we need to be proud about our mongolia!
But it seems as if your only source of pride was some guy who has been dead for almost 780 years, and an empire that vanished at least 600 years ago. Wouldn't it be better to achieve something new to be proud of instead of creating ever new manifestations of some very backward nostalgia?
To take a middle road, it doesn't seem like a bad idea to erect a statue since Chinggis is a disctinctly recognizable icon of an independent and self-sustaining Mongolia. I do think there is merit, however, in arguing that it not be too extrazagant since the national budget is already tight -- and money could be better spent for infrastructure or social services development.
Personally I do not think Chingis would be proud of this. He was a man and a leader of men, and this grandiose monument is ill-fitting to the king of nomads.
It is a symbol of rising chinese
expansionism. Genghis Khan was
a successful but brutal war-lord.
To memorialize such behaviour is a mistake. Likewise giant statue of
Mao in Tibet, invade most peaceful,
spiritual nation-culture on earth. More people starve during stupid cultural revolution. China is governed by brutes who sell organs and skin of executed prisoners, maybe even harvest before they're dead. Economic growth does not a great nation make. Remember Tianaman Square.
Yeh, it's lovely. I think a flower instead of a whip would be great too. Gives it a nice modern, metrosexual appeal to the tourists.
The horse is a bit old though, I mean Sukhbaatar's been sitting on a horse for quite some time. I reckon maybe a sidecar or a nice mountain bike. Next thing, sunglasses! sunglasses are very necessary. I say, maybe Rayban. With Motorola's latest wireless Razr thing showing up. That should earn us a few endorsement bucks from Motorola. With the money, we'll build more statues. Hell we got plenty of land for statues. Next thing, we'll pay off lonelyplanet to plug Mongolia as "Mongolia: Land of Statues". Imagine the influx of mad tourists then. Ha
That man had enough power to build a monument 100 times more big and expensive than that sorry-ass-good-for-one-year "statue" IF HE WANTED TO. The thing is HE DID NOT WANT TO! So fix the goddam roads instead, and be proud of what you are now, later when we all stand firmly on our feet we can be proud of what our ancestors were some 800 years ago, and how our men screwed the female part of the half of this earth.
Well they are planting 10,000 trees around Chinggis now, so that solves one of the comments! But this massive Chinggis is still going to be out there in the middle of no where, which is good for the trees but not really for the Great Chenggis... a lost away GREAT and massive Chenggis took all the money for infrastructure, temple restoration, and anything else you might think of as a worthy cause....
HEY PEOPLE, please be aware of the situation and be informed before you go and comment and judge people. Do you know that Mr. Battulga is putting up his OWN money to make this statue as he believes its time for Mongolia to have a statue of our own, com'on almost every country has one except us. I heard he tried to ask the Government to invest in it, but they didnt consider until the statue was already half finished!! stupid gov. people,,,pardon my language. But we should be greatful for this opportunity, without this one person, i dont think there would be any big statue,,,in 10 more yrs! I could see he did it from his heart, even though many people said he could not do it before, and now look , its almost finished people! Im not writting all this out of nothing, i actualy have met him and asked about this even before he did it, and i too did not believe it will happen, i just thought he was just all talk,,,guess his not. Plus look on the bright side, Mongolia will attract more tourist after the Olympics in China! I wish him all the luck for him to do many more great things for our country!
hey man everyone here is talking trash and for what i dont know. granted I expected a statue of the Genghis Khan in Warrior form this is still better than worshiping stalin. and I noticed some chinese names on here...please go clean your own back yard you have no place in a discussion of Mongolian issues. if u want to know of our accomplishments even back in the 1920s we were knocking on Beijing doors and your punk bitch leaders got scared and signed a treaty with Russia to avoid an invasion. no matter how advanced you get we keep whoopin ur ass. we did it when china was the most advanced country in the world and when the time comes it'll happen again.
anyway ppl the point is a statue has been overdue for a long time..if anyone can make one better by all means make Genghis Khan proud. and Yan go sodomize yourself with a baseball bat no one wants to hear your worthless opinion.
mannn chinese people don't say anything please, oh goodness. it's our country, not yours.
uh, i think the statue is pretty nice, mongolia needs something like this. wooo!
In 1206, he took the title Genghis Khan, and waged a series of military campaigns - renowned for their brutality and ferocity - sweeping through much of Asia, and forming the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in world history. Under his successors it stretched from present-day Poland in the west to Korea
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this could be a potential investment with high yields. While it may promote tourism which is beneficial to the economy, It asserts the revived Mongolian view of the great Khan. As long as the money is coming from the investors' pocket rather than national funds, there is a high chance of success.
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