Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on Google Earth/Maps - Improved Satellite image

Google maps and Google earth have improved their satellite images. It gives quite an amzing view on Mongolia and especially Ulaanbaatar.
The circus seems to have been designed to see from the sky, the overcharging city taxis are waiting in front of the State Department Store, the Government palace can be clearly seen, and of course the mondriaan of ger areas.
Thanks to Robin.
technorati: mongolia
Labels: mongolia
Google earth is cool, I often go for a 'flight' :)
Please pop by my site anytime, I have a 135 countries' flags and would LOVE a Mongolian one :)
I've searched for a Mongolian site myself for a while for a flag. Each time I found someone their server was in another country.
Please stop in and leave me a flag too... :)
Google earth is almost scary how you can find almost anyting anywhere at anytime.
Hey look I'm going to go outside and wave......
Did you see me?
Ah cool, now they have updated google maps too, it was only in google earth for a while. Looking at various details, the data appears to be from about spring 2005.
Nice blog and nice work.
You've been added to my favorites and please let the Mongolian people we appreciate their assistance in the war on terror.
Very nice pic!
Wow! I was in Mongolia this summer and had a great eyeopening experince, although I did get ripped off by the cabs sometimes. Ill be writting about my trip here: Flip tales
Mongolia sounds like a nice trip.
While put this in my head for the next travel considerations.....
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