Chinggis Khaan (Genghis Khan) has finally fully claimed his thrown again on Sukhbaatar square where this weekend the impressive gallery was revealed. Already during Nadaam time many dignitaries came to pay respect to Chinggis Khaan, including international princes and prime-ministers, but only recently the construction was entirely completed. At last the sizable Chinggis can confidently oversee his people, including a lone horse rider on the middle of the square.
Labels: chinggis khaan
I think you mean a lone hOrse rider ;) I wish I could have seen the chingghis statue. I was in Mongolia for 5 months and thought the horse rider statue was pretty kewl. :)
btw, I like your site!
thanks becca! changed it straight away
How can people be proud of a blood-thirsty beast like Genghis Khan???
Genghis Khan was a monster who committed the most abominious acts!
Genghis Khan represents the quintessence of evil. Why celebrate him?
Hey excuse me but i am proud of my Чингэс Хаан. A little advice for u. Read books kid ok!
Here are some basic historical facts about Genghis Khan:
Genghis Khan ,(Chinggis Khan), is one of history’s greatest leaders.During his lifetime, he conquered more territory than any other conqueror and established the largest contiguous empire in world history.Today his legacy continues in Asia,Mongols today celebrate him as the founding father of Mongolia.
that lone horse rider is Mongolian hero named Sukhbaatar.. this square was named by his name.
Chinggis Khaan is not a beast, monster or anything! He was a great man! Rik & that anonymous show your lack of knowledge. shame on you guys!
La gran mayoría de personas que escribis en estos foros cometeis el error de juzgar a los personajes históricos con ojos del siglo XXI. Gran error.
... to bad i didnt get to see the great khans statue :( Genghis Khan was the rightful ruler of this planet chosen by god to lead humanity and people call him a beast? a devil!! he united the world and helped all who was with him. he tried to make allies but then had to conquer them.
countrys insult him because they were scared shitless of him hahaha
Genghis Khan was a spectacular leader and did was able acomplish creating a huge empire it's just sad that he had to do it by killing innocent people
genghis khan was an awesome leader of a great empire but i have to admit he was blood thirsty but who isn't when you're ruling an empire?
All these people who are saying that Genghis Khan is a blood thirsty murderer are obviously showing that they have lack of knowledge. When you study history, you have to understand in that time era. At that time, land was the most important thing. Genghis Khan was able to conquer the most territory which no other leader accomplished. This shows what a smart leader he was. I people to read books and add knowledge to you brains. Then you might learn that you cant judge someone that easily.
Genghis Khan have my respect. Not everyone is perfect. China was already at peace and united as one with the teaching of Confucius. Warriors go to school and became lazy scholars and forgot how to defend itself. His Yuan(Mongol Dynasty) lasted less than one hundred years because he is a racist and people rebelled.
The Mongol genes is everywhere especially in Asia: Slanted eyes, high cheekbone, round belly.
If you google all his images, he looks like a Chinese/Korean
Only the Japanese and Vietnamese escape most of his genes. But not the current Chinese/Korean genes
There, my two cent...
Mostly all of you have nearly no knowledge in the area of this amazing ruler. The idea that Genghis was a bloodthirsty abomination is completely wrong. In fact, all European monarchs tortured more people, killed more non- warriors, and were far less skilled than Genghis Khan. Most people confuse Attila the Hun, who was very bloodthirsty, with Genghis Khan, who was in no way less civilized than Europe. During his reign, the Mongolian written language, a advanced code of law, and a very efficient pony express (better than the American one in the 17- 1800s) were created. Meanwhile, in Europe, monarchs were planning another crusade (speaking of bloodthirsty), and the "Church" was becoming more and more tainted with power and gold. Genghis Khan always offered to the civilians of a city to open the city gates, and they would always be spared if they did.The second half of his conquests were mostly retaliation against rulers who attacked him or envoys under his protection.Genghis Khan was one of the greatest rulers ever.
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