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21 September 2008

Pilgrimage in the Gobi Desert

An interesting view at Danzanravjaa's Shambala Pilgrimage in the East Gobi.

9 September 2008

Giving Garbage

national park ticket mongoliaIt is always rather pretentious to make fun of other one's language abilities, especially because i lack in them considerably in myself. But sometimes things are just funny enough to pass them on.
This picture here is the backside of the entrance ticket to a National Park, the Terelj Park in this case. It conveniently gives a list of services provided to visitors in the park. Most interesting is point 3, where it says the park is....
To provide with information, brochure booklets, warning and garbage

When we enlightened our loyal driver on the issue, he ousted one of his high shrieking laughs, opened his window again and shouted at his friend the national park ranger while pointing at the ticket: "It says: We give you garbage!"

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