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11 September 2006

Mongolia's Prince Ganjuuryn Dschero Khan

Prince Ganjuuryn Dschero Khan
Recently we received an online inquiry about Prince Ganjuuryn Dschero Khan (see image), a person of Netherlands and Taiwanese origin that was:

born officially at 28.08.1928 in Ulan Buha in the aristocracy lineage of the Bordschigin from the trunk of the Koko Mangchol in Mongolia. As one says, with blood at the hands.

This reaches the level of eccentricity of the paronoid Sheikh falcon hunter by the name of Parrot


7 September 2006

Bad Borrower Bill Gates Reported in Mongolia

The Mongolian Bankers Association reports on "bad borrowers" in Mongolia. A slight surprise to see the name of Bill Gates pop up on top of their list. We actually tried calling his phone number listed, but - to no surprise - he didn't pay his phone bill.

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